By the Governing Body's failure to integrate its shadow means they are a very fragmented bunch of neurotics unable to make good decisions for running a corporation because their brains ain't operating on all cylinders so expect even more loony ness from these guys as the WT corporation goes belly up with lawsuits brought on by the shear stupidity of management to handle problems.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
The more you can integrate your shadow into consciousness the more whole you become. Jung says that when we are first born is when we are most whole/undivided as time goes on we develop an ego consciousness, this causes divisions and fragmentation as we conform to society, parents, government, and so forth. At around middle age we start to turn inward more and since the ego is fully developed we start to return to be more whole and opposites try to gain more balance the process is natural but usually filled with many set backs. If all goes well the person becomes more whole and more happy where the process meets with many snags unhappiness is the results and a much more conflicted self especially if one actually takes his persona to be his real self must dissatisfaction will result because the process of wholeness has hit a major snag and one becomes a shell of his real self.
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
What would happen if the Governing Body started accepting their dark side? They have a lot at stake to do so, so much time devoted to corporation directives indicates it would be very difficult for them to ever do so.
But regardless what do you think would happen to all their anger toward shadow projections they pin on those that left the corporation's clutches.
They would free up a lot of stuck up psyche.
Accepting Your Shadow(Jungian)
by Brokeback Watchtower inwhen looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself.
the shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good.
understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts..
Brokeback Watchtower
When looking inside one's self to find your authentic self requires a brutally honesty with yourself. The shadow side of ourseelves is where we stuff a lot of things we don't like about ourselves, stuff we have repressed, not all is bad stuff, some very good. Understanding your shadow side and unrepressing things in it can restore balance to the psyche and make one more whole and more creative as the psyche becomes unstuck from denial and suppression of natural instincts.
The Anal Retentive Biblical Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower infreud came up with the idea:
i would like to sight some examples of a anal retentiveness of the biblical deity.. the garden of eden and the death penalty for eating a fruit, which by the way was passed on to all future offspring requiring an anal retentive jehovah to provide a suitable sacrifice of his only begotten son to correct the situation and thus make it possible for forgiveness from the big guy and remove the death curse.. working on a saturday= death penalty.
mandatory blue thread and fringes on all israelite garments.. death penalty for touching the ark of the covenant to prevent it from tipping over.. exclusive devotion only to be given to him, bowing to other gods/idols forbidden.. grows hot with anger and becomes violently enraged killing off all kinds of human and animal life with a flood when humans not living the way he feels is right.. threatening to tread on mankind like a mighty man crushing grapes under his feet when pissed off.. loss of self control when pissed off over insignificant trifles.
Brokeback Watchtower
No more people from bethel getting a paid for higher education to be a lawyer for the corporation. That seems rather odd they are going to need all the lawyers they can get in the future. Must be to risky for the corporation to pay for some one to get educated in law and then have them leave the organization once they find out the Watchtower is full of shit, all that money down the drain.
Artificial Intelligence Is Here "Google's Deep Mind Explained! - Self Learning A.I. "
by Brokeback Watchtower inour world is about to change big time..
The Anal Retentive Biblical Jehovah
by Brokeback Watchtower infreud came up with the idea:
i would like to sight some examples of a anal retentiveness of the biblical deity.. the garden of eden and the death penalty for eating a fruit, which by the way was passed on to all future offspring requiring an anal retentive jehovah to provide a suitable sacrifice of his only begotten son to correct the situation and thus make it possible for forgiveness from the big guy and remove the death curse.. working on a saturday= death penalty.
mandatory blue thread and fringes on all israelite garments.. death penalty for touching the ark of the covenant to prevent it from tipping over.. exclusive devotion only to be given to him, bowing to other gods/idols forbidden.. grows hot with anger and becomes violently enraged killing off all kinds of human and animal life with a flood when humans not living the way he feels is right.. threatening to tread on mankind like a mighty man crushing grapes under his feet when pissed off.. loss of self control when pissed off over insignificant trifles.
Brokeback Watchtower
I've read some, I used to go to the university library and have read bit and pieces of all that he wrote. I think it was Answer To Job. I read bits and pieces years ago.
Jung described Answer to Job as "pure poison", referring to the controversial nature of the book (Storr, 1973). He did, however, feel an urge to write the book. The basic thesis of the book is that as well as having a good side, God also has a fourth side - the evil face of God. This view is inevitably controversial, but Jung claimed it is backed up by references to the Hebrew Bible. Jung saw this evil side of God as the missing fourth element of the Trinity, which he believed should be supplanted by a Quaternity. However, he also discusses in the book whether the true missing fourth element is the feminine side of God. Indeed, he saw the dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary by Pope Pius XII in 1950 as being the most significant religious event since the Reformation. Another theme in the book is the inversion of the myth that God sent his son Christ to die for the sins of humanity. Jung maintains that upon realizing his mistreatment of Job, God sends his son to humankind to be sacrificed in repentance for God's sins. Jung sees this as a sign of God's ongoing psychological development.
Jungian scholar Murray Stein claims Jung viewed the Book of Job as an example of a Scriptural religious experience:
- "In Jung’s interpretation, Job is completely innocent. He is a scrupulously pious man who follows all the religious conventions, and for most of his life he is blessed with good fortune. This is the expected outcome for a just man in a rationally ordered universe. But then God goes to work on him, tests him with misfortune, reduces him to misery, and finally overwhelms him with questions and images of divine majesty and power. Job is silenced, and he realizes his inferior position vis-a-vis the Almighty. But he also retains his personal integrity, and this so impresses God that He is forced to take stock of Himself. Perhaps He is not so righteous after all! [ As Marc Fonda observes, God’s omniscience precludes self-awareness. Being omniscient, God has no concentrated self to speak of. Being a part of everything, God has no opportunity to distinguish self from non-self. However, as God knows the thoughts of humans, through the thoughts of his creation he can experience what self-awareness is. ] And out of this astonishing self-reflection, induced in God by Job’s stubborn righteousness, He, the Almighty, is pushed into a process of transformation that leads eventually to His incarnation as Jesus. God develops empathy and love through his confrontation with Job, and out of it a new relationship between God and humankind is born."[1]
Will Artificial Intellegence Make The Human Race Extinct?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think it is inevitable.
i don't worry about it but it just seems that the human race is going down a road that they can't make a turn off.. they are probing/discovering how the human mind works and produces intelligence down to the individual molecule.
now with the invention of the super quantum computer soon we will be able to build even better artificial intelligence greater than our own, so it will be easily able to out smart us because will we be a bunch of dumb apes first discovering how to make fire in it's eyes.. it will have it's own different agendas than us humans.
Will Artificial Intellegence Make The Human Race Extinct?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think it is inevitable.
i don't worry about it but it just seems that the human race is going down a road that they can't make a turn off.. they are probing/discovering how the human mind works and produces intelligence down to the individual molecule.
now with the invention of the super quantum computer soon we will be able to build even better artificial intelligence greater than our own, so it will be easily able to out smart us because will we be a bunch of dumb apes first discovering how to make fire in it's eyes.. it will have it's own different agendas than us humans.